Top 10 Wasteful Government Programs!
Original List by bobLarking532

1. tsa low tech buy from 10
tsa low tech
The Transportation Security Administration let 5,700 pieces of unused security equipment worth $184 million sit in storage in a Dallas, Texas, warehouse, which costs $3.5 million annually to lease and manage. Taxpayers lost another $23 million in depreciation costs, because most of the 472 carry-on baggage screening machines had been housed there for nine months or more. That’s a lot of money!
Sending 11 students and 4 teachers from an Arkansas university to the U.N. climate change convention in Copenhagen, using almost 54,000 lbs of carbon dioxide from air travel alone ($50,000)
internal revenue suckas
The Internal Revenue Service spent $4.1 million on a lavish conference in 2010 for 2,609 of its employees in Anaheim, California. Expenses included $50,000 for line-dancing and “Star Trek” parody videos, $135,350 for outside speakers, $64,000 in conference “swag” for the employees, plus free meals, cocktails, and hotel suite upgrades.
8: University in Indiana studying why young men do not like to wear condoms ($221,355)
national science foundation prom
The National Science Foundation used part of a half-million dollar grant to develop a video game that simulates a high school prom.
Taxpayer-funded Amtrak recovered only 44 cents of every dollar of its food and beverage costs on long-distance routes, which already annually lose money.
The Oval Office is getting a facelift. While it’s out of commission, the President will need a pseudo-Oval Office, right? $376 million will go to an Oval Office renovation and plans to construct a second office for the President to use during the renovation.
Road signs touting stimulus funds at work in Ohio ($1 million)
Studying the impact of global warming on wildflowers in a Colorado ghost town ($500,000)
10. bird brains buy from 1 A down vote will remove this item!
bird brains
The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research spent $300,000 on a study that concluded the first bird on Earth probably had black feathers.
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